Finding your dream home in the Philippines
There are many reasons to move to this country and once you have determined that it is what you want to do, the next step is finding your dream home in the Philippines. For those looking to settle here, it is important to consider that the real-estate market is at an all-time high. This is a great indicator of the market trends to come but this type of market also brings with it heaps of scam property finders, and unknowledgeable realtors looking to make a quick buck. But don’t get overwhelmed just yet! Alongside one of the strongest emerging property markets in the world, there is also a strong and noteworthy startup scene. The combination of the two make for an excellent team, offering numerous online communities focusing on life in the Philippines that can help you get settled in no time.
Finding your dream home in the Philppines
To avoid scams and bad deals, there are now plenty of real estate finders in the Philippines to help you find the best option for you. The majority of legitimate dealers will have a website, be able to provide references and be able to clearly explain the options to protect foreigners when purchasing land in the Philippines. One thing you will also find when you do make known that you are in the market is that an endless line up of locals will all of a sudden offer their services to show you properties owned by a relative or a friend of a friend. In most cases, the titles have not been researched beforehand and the people selling, the land will increase in price if you are a foreigner. As well, do not fool yourself, these people are doing it for a price(commissioned by the seller) and for most of them, their concern is not ensuring your satisfaction and maintaining their reputation, it is simply the cash and the quickest they can get it the better. Please remember that to the dirt poor Filipino helping you in Finding your dream home in the Philippines the consummation of the deal will probably be akin to winning the lottery. Though these people are not usually of bad character, the immense financial change in their (and family’s) life will usually blind them to facts that could have severe consequences for you.
Though companies do not need to be licensed to sell property in the Philippines they do have to have a permit to do so and from your perspective as a buyer the more investment some one has in their business, the better the chance that they will want to stay in business long term. Thus they will be more inclined to ensure customer satisfaction to maintain reputation and continuing business. In short, prudent advice is to use some one that actually makes a business out of real estate sales. You are LESS likely to get scammed or receive a poor deal.
Designing Your Home:
Once you have moved in and started unpacking, you may realize that you need a little inspiration when it comes to decoration. To avoid having your now home completely furnished in Ikea, why not tap into the local market, which can bring a touch of Pinay flavor to your home. SOHU Desgins ( is a great place to start. Specializing in modern contemporary interiors, they are based in Quezon City, and are famous for their unique sense of style. If you’re looking for something on the simple side with a touch of beautiful functionality, try out KM Interior Design. The space is also located in Quezon city, and their designers pride themselves on finding the perfect décor for your new home, without being over the top.
A Few Extra Tips…
One thing the people of the Philippines are known for is their warm nature and deep sense of hospitality. This warmth is also displayed in the online community. There are numerous online forums offering advice to those who are moving to the Philippines, especially for those who are looking to stay a while.